Tuesday, May 1, 2018

Ohio Medical Marijuana Doctor Info


Ohio Medical Marijuana Doctor Info
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Ohio Medical Marijuana Program Information

Ohio Medical Cannabis Laws:

Effective September 8th, 2016, in accordance with House Bill No.523, the use of medical marijuana will be authorized for Ohio patients with qualifying conditions. Ohio will also form the Medical Marijuana Control Program.

Ohio Marijuana Qualifying Conditions:

In order to be considered for the Ohio Medical Marijuana program, patients must be diagnosed with one of the following qualifying conditions:


-Alzheimer’s Disease

-Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis(ALS)


-Chronic Traumatic Encephalopathy

-Crohn’s disease

-Epilepsy or another seizure disorder



-Hepatitis C

-Inflammatory Bowel Disease

-Multiple Sclerosis

-Pain that is either Chronic and severe or Intractable

-Parkinson’s disease

-Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD)

-Sickle Cell anemia

-Spinal cord disease or injury

-Tourette’s Syndrome

-Traumatic Brain injury

-Ulcerative Colitis

The Medical Board provides for the possibility of adding more diseases or medical conditions to the existing list.

Patients can dedicate up to two individuals to serve as caregivers and purchase medicinal marijuana on their behalf. Caregivers may serve up to two patients. Minors may become a medical marijuana patient, but only after obtaining consent from their parent or guardian.

Patients may use the following forms of marijuana: oils, plant material (vaporized), patches, tinctures, and edibles. Smoking is prohibited by law. Patients may not grow medical marijuana for personal use, and may only possess a 90-day supply equalling eight ounces of marijuana/marijuana products with an equivalent amount of THC.

Currently, Ohio does not recognize out-of-state medical marijuana cards. The state will attempt to negotiate reciprocity laws with other states, with more information added to the Ohio Medical Marijuana Control Program website as it becomes available.

How Do I Become a Medical Marijuana Patient in Ohio?

If you’re an Ohio patient looking to use medical marijuana or are a caregiver looking to aid a patient, you need to apply to the State Board of Pharmacy for Registration with a certified marijuana doctor submitting the application on your behalf. All applications shall include:

The patient’s full name, address, phone number, birth date, and e-mail address

Identification of the patient’s qualifying medical condition (see above)

The physician’s full name and DEA ID number, medical license number and certificate to recommend number

The date of recommendation

The names of the caregiver that may assist a patient, or the list of patients a caregiver will seek to assist once certified (caregiver must also submit a caregiver registration at time of patient submission)

Proof of Ohio Residency

The required application fee of $50 for patients, and $25 for caregivers. Patients who are enrolled in SSDI or are a veteran may apply for a 50% reduction in application fee.

Physicians will submit the patient registration on their patients’ behalf. Patient registration cards shall be valid from date of issue and expire one calendar year later. The Board of Pharmacy will notify each patient 45 calendar days prior to expiration date.

The Ohio State Board of Pharmacy established all rules of patient and caregiver registration, a maximum ninety-day supply of medical cannabis in patient possession, specific paraphernalia, and accessories, and the issuance of patient and caregiver identification cards. More details are available on the Ohio Medical Marijuana Control Program website.

(For information on the protective rights of Ohio Medical Marijuana Patients, see: Ohio Medical Marijuana Dispensaries)

How do I Become a Marijuana Doctor in Ohio?

On September 8, 2017, the State Board of Pharmacy established the procedures for physicians and doctors to apply for a certificate to recommend, renewal procedures, and minimum standards of care regarding Ohio medical marijuana.

A doctor seeking to recommend treatment with medical marijuana shall apply to the State Medical Board for a certificate to recommend. To receive a certificate to recommend, a physician must be a licensed MD or DO with an active registration with the DEA. Ohio medical marijuana doctors must annually complete at least two hours of continuing medical education in:

Diagnosing Ohio qualifying medical conditions

Treating qualifying conditions with medicinal marijuana

Once a doctor meets these requirements, the Board of Pharmacy will grant them a certificate to recommend. Renewals may be granted along with a renewal for a physician’s certificate to practice.

A physician with a certificate to recommend may recommend medical marijuan

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